

Stevie got to stay home from work and I cooked my first turkey! We were worried about not finding a turkey, but we located a poultry shop and everything turned out perfect. We had a nice Thanksgiving together, but we missed our families though, as always!


drink and be merry!

There's the little 3 kilo bird, getting carved, and about to be gobbled up!


Brussels, Belgium

We took off on the train on Saturday. In 2.5 hours, we were in Brussels. We had Belgium beers, Belgium waffles and bought some of the best chocolates we've ever tasted.

The Brussels train station.

The Grand Palace.

Sitting in the happening square of the Grand Palace.

Our new friend, John who we met in Delirium Cafe. He works for the U.N.


Transitioning between bars.

Absinthe. It's a powerful drink.

The process goes like this: you place the silver contraption over the glass, put the sugar cube over the grate, and light the cube on fire to melt it into the Absinthe. I guess it makes liquid poison taste like somewhat sweeter liquid poison. We didn't melt our sugar all the way, as you can see, and so it didn't disolve. Yuck!


The diamond skull

I saw this exhibit in the Rijksmuseum. It's called, "For the Love of God" by Damien Hirst and it's quite a sight. The skull is made of platinum, with 8,600 diamonds. The big one on the forehead is 52 carats.

It's displayed in a dark room with the lighting positioned just so directly on the skull, and it sparkles like crazy. I think it's gorgeous in a strange, luxurious way. Although I don't think I'll be the one to buy it.

The Woods

This is the park that I've been running in lately. It's more like a developed woods with running and biking trails. There is fitness equiptment- pull up bars, hurdles, rings, etc. along the trails(similar to Chico's Bidwell Park). I'm still doing those pull-ups!

Clearly, it's autumn!


The Hague

We went on a little day trip to The Hague (Den Haag). The Hague is a major city in Holland, about 45 minutes from Amsterdam on the train.

Thumbs up!

Our highlight was the M.C. Escher Museum. He was a Dutch! He used woodcutting and lithograph to create his prints. These are some of Stevie's photos from inside the museum:

Hand With Reflecting Sphere, 1935

Day and Night, 1938

Drawing Hands, 1948

Circle Limit IV (Heaven and Hell), 1960

Mobius Strip, 1963