
Croatia and Montenegro

Dubrovnik, Croatia from a lookout point.  It was beginning to rain and a bit misty.
Old Town, a walled city on the Adriatic Sea

Our room

Radisson infinity pool

Getting lost in the city.

Dubrovnik- just outside the walls in the harbour.

Checking it out.

Croatian beer

 The main street of Dubrovnik- Stradun.  No cars inside the city, and stone and marble.  Nearly the only green was potted plants.

 From Dubrovnik to Montenegro, 2 hour drive.  Two kilometers away, toward the mountain, is Bosnia. 

 Inside the walls of Budva.

 On the walls around Budva.

A tile in the wall. 

 A castle by the sea...

 Queen's Beach
On a lovely stroll from our hotel to a popular site, we came across four different beaches that were nearly abandoned and completely beautiful.

The town of Przno, a small town with a small rock island to store your lawn mower and have one olive tree!

 Aye, Matey!  Milocer Beach.

 Sveti, Stefan
This is formerly the Montenegrin royal family vacation home.  It is now available to the public to rent for holiday.  It's an isthmus!

 My first sighting of the kiwi tree.  I picked one kiwi, because the waitress said I could, and realized that I was somewhere quite unique.

 Monastary at the top of the hill.  Seclusion and privacy.

Montengrin pivo (beer). 

 These rocks are fascinating, quite a few warning signs for 'Falling Rocks'.

 Old Town Budva

What an adventure together! 

One of my favorite lunches- squid, octopus, prawns and risotto.  A great selection of seafood, and paired with a good Vranac wine- delicious!


Prague, Czech. Republic

Prague is a lovely city, nicknamed the City of 1,000 Spires.

We're at the Prague Castle looking down on the city.

St. Vitus' Cathedral from the front.  Built over many years, destroyed, rebuilt and added onto since 1060, it's an impressive church. 

Side view

Flying buttresses!

Charles Bridge (1357), Old Town Bridge Tower and Vltava River

Statues on the Charles Bridge were placed here to inspire the Bohemians to become Catholic.

There are 30 statues lining both sides of the bridge.

Street signs- the street name is on top, the area of town is on the bottom

Church of Our Lady Before Tyn- by night

by day

The Astronomical Clock
Nearly all of it survived WWII bombings, while part of the adjoining building was hit.  It does a "song and dance" every hour with 12 Apostles at the two, blue doors and four people/figures on the sides of the astronomical calendar. 

The four figures represent things that were hated: Vanity, Jews, Death and Turks.

The Castle

The happy travelers

NOT the same as the American beer.

"Fred and Ginger," the Dancing House

Wenceslas Square- this is where the actions happens.

Wenceslas Square and me!