
Dusseldorf, Germany

We took an overnighter to Dusseldorf, Germany. It was 2.5 hours by the high speed train. It was a fun trip.

The train station

California police car cruising down the street. It didn't even register as weird at first.

The Jager bar, filled with drunk Germans.

Can you find Stevie at the beer garden?

A church

Man what an awful picture of my face. Anyway, I had a meal of rye bread, pate, various sausages, raw onions and potato salad. Stevie dined on a knuckle of pork, cabbage and boiled potatoes.

This was the brewery at which we ate.

Another church

The Rhine River

Checking out the river.

Mansions across the river.

A lookout tower

This was just the first round of bratwursts that we consumed throughout the day. They were excellent!

Even in Germany

The handstander

The first of many German beers that we tried.

This is Brauerei Uerige, a beer garden.