
Vienna and Rome

Amsterdam to Vienna to Rome- all in one Easter weekend.

(Wien, Osterreich) Vienna, Austria

A lovely artist's square- Hundertwasserhaus

Two very nice beers.

Karlplatz with a Catholic Church

Welcome to Rome and to the Vatican Museum, containing 10 different museums.  Thank goodness we thought ahead about online ticket sales.  The queue to buy tickets was (no joke) kilometers long and hours, HOURS long.  We waited in the entrance line for nearly an hour, with tickets.  Easter in Rome is somewhat of a popular holiday destination!

But the art was amazing.  I always like how children are represented so differently in art throughout time.  What can we make of this?  Children are inherently evil?

There it is, the West wall of the Sistine Chapel, The Last Judgement.  We must greatly appreciate these photos, considering we could have had our camera snatched by the gaurds.  Photos are prohibited.  We completely broke the rules.

The ceiling.  Notice a very famous "fingertips" in the second quadrant from the top, center.

North wall.

The setup for the Pope's speech the following day, Easter Sunday.

Inside (San Pietro) St. Peter's Basilica

Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain)

Foro Romano (Roman Forum)


Great view from the middle of the street.

Colossal-sized beers while gazing at the Colosseum.  Had we known they cost 15 Euros each...

1 of 3 fountains in Piazza Navona, Fontana di Nettuno (Neptune Fountain), a Bernini creation.

2 of 3 fountains in Piazza Navona, Fontana del Moro, Bernini- so mythical and imaginative.  Piazza Navona, below, showing 2 of the fountains.

Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Steps, an international, social meeting ground).

Capitoline Hill, the locale of the Italian Government.

The Pope's speech, Easter Sunday inside the Vatican City, Piazza di San Pietro.

Other than the big-screens, we couldn't see him.

The pizza was good.  But the bruschetta, pasta, Chianti and Peroni- wow!  I was eating sheep's cheese and bacon pasta.

The Patheon

Inside the Pantheon

Goodbye Rome!


Derichsweiler, Germany

We saw the town in about an hour; it was very small.  Nice and well-kept, but nothing to do and not even a restaurant that was open.  Literally, we came, we saw, we went.  But, it exists!